The Bast O ff With Math classes (3rd & 4th) are designing the Apollo 20 space command model. There are 5 groups and these are some descriptions and summaries of each:
Design Team: They are designing only the Exterior portion
*A cone shaped shuttle
*Has a docking mechanism for picking up samples
*On the bottom: 5 thrusters
*Around the rim: 8 thrusters
*On the top is a parachute
Q: What is your favorite part of being on the design team?
A: The Docking Mechanism. It picks up samples of whatever you want to know.
Q: What have you helped design?
A: I helped Justin with the 4 different angles.
Q: What is your favorite part?
A: Thrusters
Q: Have you designed anything?
A:The top with the parachute.
Entire Team:
Q: What has your team accomplished?
A: Detailed design of actual craft.
Q: What part are you in charge of?
A: We all have equal parts.
Q: How is the emergency exit going to work?
A: If there is a fire or something that's where the people inside will exit.
Research Team: Are finding the measurements, then sending them to the math team so the math team can scale them. Also, they are researching the ways that the Apollo's space ships and others looked, and worked.
Q: What's your favorite part?
A: Looking stuff up
Q: Is it hard?
A: No. It's pretty easy
Q: What were you doing before the interviews?
A: I was trying to find some dimensions we didn't have yet, like the door.
Q:Does building this model come to being as cool as you thought?
A: Yes, definitely! It has really been helping my math skills.
Math & Measurements: This team is in charge of converting the numbers then passing them over to the Construction Team so they can begin the space shuttle! It involves a lot of math functions and equations.
Measurements: A 1:3 ratio is what our scale is.
12 ft- tall
12.8 ft- diameter
Q: What type of math are you doing?
A: Multiplying and random equations and formulas
Q:Did you enjoy the math?
A: Yes. Very much!
Q: What is your favorite part of building this rocket?
A: The math part. Measurement and converting mostly.
Construction: The construction team is using cardboard boxes and recycled items to build the shuttle. This team has good carpenter skills, and is responsible for how it looks.
Q: How well do you get along with your team?
A: Some one on the team is a little self-centered and takes over a lot, He is my best friend!
Q: How well do you get along with your team mates?
A: Some one is a bad person. He is my best friend.
*this is completely anonymous*
Q: What are your thought on how well your team works together?
A: It depends.
Q: Depends on what?
A: What they are doing.
Press Team: A special thank you to the press team for writing this awesome blog, taking amazing pictures, doing hilarious interviews! (seriously!) :)